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Tuesday 17th March 2020 - Update


Dear Parents & Carers

Following the Government’s announcement last week that we have moved to the delay phase of the coronavirus action plan. I know that many parents / carers have questions around how it will affect their children and the school.

As you will be aware, the current advice is that schools remain open unless advised to close by Public Health England following confirmed cases of coronavirus. Penn Fields School have no confirmed cases, therefore will remain open. However, each day we are seeing a change in our setting with either students or staff absence increasing. To ensure we can support our students and offer the best care and learning we are taking the following actions.

We will be cancelling further whole school events including where visitors and parent/carers come to school; we will review this at the start of the summer term.

Where possible we will continue to hold key essential meetings, postpone non vital meetings and we will limit the number of external visitors entering the school. Where there are external visitors entering the school, they will be following the current hand washing regime.

Until further notice, there will be no off site students trips taking place, this includes the Friday offsite swim. These students are to being their swim kit as normal and where possible, we will accommodate them in the school pool.

At present we are risk assessing staffing and student ratios daily to ensure we can continue to offer a safe, supportive, learning and working environment. If your child is remaining at home due to having an underlying health condition, please inform the school as soon as possible. For those students remaining at home, we are currently designing a home learning page on our school website.

Students who upon arrival to school or throughout the day who are identified as having a raised temperature or a dry / new cough will be sent home and parents / carers will need to follow Government guidance on isolation.

If your child has a raised temperature or a dry / new cough before arriving to school, please do not send them into school, follow Government guidance.

Below is the Government website address where you can find up to date information on the coronavirus.

During these unprecedented times, we will continue to follow Government guidance and remain open as a school for as long as it is safe to do so.

Many thanks for your ongoing support during these time of uncertainty and please be sure to check in on our school website for further updates:

Best Wishes

Ms Thackaberry

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