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Our Governors

Governors link the school with the Community. They play a vital role in the smooth running of the school and their job is to look at all aspects of the school’s performance and ensure it is achieving its full potential. A key role of the Governing Body is to support the school, to ensure pupils receive high quality education and plan for future development and improvement of the school as a whole.


The Governing Body consists of elected parents, Local Authority (LA) nominees, school staff and co-opted members of the community, though the Head Teacher is an ex-officio Governor by virtue of office. All Governors have voting rights and all decisions are made collectively.


How are Governors chosen?


Co-opted Governors: Appointed by the Governing Body

Staff Governors: Elected by other staff members

Parent Governors: Elected by parents/carers of children at the school

LA Governor: Nominated by the local authority and appointed by the governing body


Governors usually serve for a period of four years and the election of parent governors is always well advertised when the occasion arises, including on this page of our web site. There is a full Governing Body meeting held each school term but working committees may meet more frequently. Minutes of Governors’ meetings are available in the school office.


The Governing Body at Penn Fields school work to maintain an open policy and hope we are very approachable. The Chair of Governors in particular is always happy to hear from parents/carers.


Our Governing Body

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Peter Faulkner

Chair of Governors and Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee 

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Mrs Nicky Payne

Co Head Teacher

Chris Potter

Co-Opted Governor

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Talvinder Bahia

Parent Governor

Debra Westwood

Co-Opted Governor

Bobbie-Jo Kent

Vice Chair Governors, Parent Governor

Chair of F&GP Committee

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Mr Ian Ellis

Co Head Teacher

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Mrs Mary Evans

Staff Associate

Lucy Evans

Co-opted Governor - Safeguarding Link Governor

Louise Birt

Staff Associate 



Each academic year all Governors complete a Declaration of Interest form providing information as to whether or not a member of the governing body has any outside interests that may influence any decisions they make about the school.



Governing Body Attendance

Governing Attendance 2022/23
Governing Attendance 2021/22

Please click and drag on the table to view the remaining dates.

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